Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Being Courageous

I recently started reading Phillipe Petit's book on creativity and it expanded my notions on what creativity entailed and the mindset and courage behind a creative person.

Henri Matisse on creativity

Creating something novel and doing something that's never been done before takes guts. You're not sure of the process that it will entail, how the final product will end up, how it's received, and a million other what if's start to enter your mind.

That could be a worry that's unique to me, but I do think think the reason I've been struggling lately with writing new articles and posts, drawing portraits, painting landscapes and in general finding my creative voice is because I've been in a very tentative phase in my life. I've been so unsure and honestly, a little frightened about what the future holds for me. The fear I've been harboring has spilled over into other areas of my life and has been preventing me from actualizing a lot of the ideas, both good and bad, that have been solely living in my mind.

But by pinpointing the problem, I am able to uncover a solution to my creativity rut. Do something that scares me and expand my comfort zone. If fear in one aspect of my life can affect multiple facets, the same must be true of courage and bravery. Even by doing something as simple as trying a new food or taking a new class, I can expand my own worldview and grow my creativity.